Are you unsatisfied with your order ? Do you want to return the product for a full refund ? We are here to assist you. Please read the below.

Important Notice : All items on discount and dresses with confection on demand are considered final sales and not eligible for return, refund, or exchange.

Step 1: Please explain the reason of your return by contacting us at within 2 days after the receipt date. Please ensure to mention your order number in the email.

Step 2: We will contact you to authorize the return. Please do not ship the product before getting the authorization. You will have 2 days to proceed with the parcel shipment. Please keep the shippment receipt until you receive the refund. Please note you are responsable for the return cost

Step 3: The product’s original purchase price will be refunded upon receipt the item if conditions below are respected. Please note the shipping cost is not refundable.

- The item must be in original condition with no trace of use.

- All accessories and original packaging must be included.

- Return deadlines mentioned in step 1 and step 2 must be respected.